Monday, August 25, 2008

I've been remiss....

I've been really bad at updating the blog. I have a ton of pictures from the trip to add, but I just haven't wanted to do it. I already added a bunch to my Facebook account, so if you have it you can see many of them there, if not, be patient and I'll add some more here. We are going to Utah this weekend for a short trip, so I'll have some family pictures to add next week. I hope that you are all enjoying the end to summer!! If only it actually cooled down when summer (school schedule) is over. We've got another 2-3 months before that here in So. Cal. Go Cougars, this saturday!!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I'm waiting for a new post with all of your pictures from Utah!!! I guess I should put all of mine up somewhere too. Maybe on Facebook. Hope your having a great day!