Sunday, May 11, 2008

The last month or so...

I don't remember the occasion, but Ericka had us watch Isaac and Malia one Monday night. (Oh, it was the night before Gene's 40th birthday, so it was April 6th.) They came over in their jammies, already bathed etc. We took Grandpa to school and he wanted to take the kids up to his classroom to show them off, so this was in Dad's office where they were coloring pictures to post on his wall. We had all of these errands to run while they were in their jammies. I thought for sure that Ericka would kill me. (We went to Party City to get the balloons and Over the Hill paraphernalia for Gene's 40 th Birthday dinner/party the next day.)

This was the next day at Marie Callendars Grill for Gene's birthday. Gram and I are the only ones out of the photo. Yumm, Creative Cakery chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting!!!

A photo of me that night with my little sweetheart. Katin is a doll!!!

Malia with Katin. He still has his beautiful blue eyes and blond hair. She's the little mama like I was to Jeff.

See the nice balloons? :o) Ha Ha! Gene and Malia trying to lick the "40 sucks" sucker at their house after dinner. It was a fun birthday. At least I hope it was.


nic said...

Holy Cow! Gene is 40?!? Time flies.....

Jason, Alyson, Kaci, Brynley & Ashlynn said...

Hey Jane...

I love your blog...its so great to stay in touch through blogs! I hope all is well...check out our family blog...

Take care...
Love, Alyson (Williams) Sherman