Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cute kids in Utah

I have a lot to catch up on from the past 2 months but I will have to do that when I get home. Here are some cute pictures of the kids after Christmas etc. Jeffrey and Owen with their new Nintendo DS-es the morning after Christmas before everyone else woke up, playing nicely all snug in Jeffrey's bed. Paige sitting in her new doll baby's bassinet/carrier, and then wearing her brother's Star Wars clone trooper helmet that is almost bigger then she is. I actually thought that she would topple over backwards. :o) Also, Paige in the shopping cart between the sack of potatoes and drinks. Too cute!

Mini mission reunion

Yesterday I met with Wendy Holt Brown and Russ Bowers here in Salt Lake for a mini reunion. Russ lives in Washington DC now and was home for Christmas, while Wendy lives here with her family. It was so good to see them both even if it was a wild ride home with Russ! :o) (Not his fault, it's still just snowy and getting icy, especially after dark.) Wendy's husband Spencer came in with the kids after a while. My how they've grown! Her kids are Mikelle, Truman, Andrew and Joshua (Joshie). Beautiful family!! It's so good to see them. It's hard to believe that us 3 came home together almost 12 years ago next month (Jan. 21-22, 1997). Time flies! Other than a few Brazilian missionary friends, these 2 are pretty much the only Americans that I have kept in contact with or seen on a regular basis.

Christmas in Utah, well sledding anyway

Sledding with Jeff's family today in Daybreak, South Jordan. This is the field to the school yard. A beautiful winter wonderland. Boy was it cold out there. We didn't last too long. Jeff, Erin, Jeffrey, Owen and Paige. Beautiful, huh? Oh, the last one is them coming home.Such snow drifts in front of their home. Poor Jeff has to shovel that himself, and they have a corner lot. (Double sidewalks)