Sunday, June 15, 2008

Katin Alexander

One more picture of our blue-eyed cutie Katin, in his stroller. Too bad that toy is in front of his face. But those eyes........................!!!

Karoline and the twins

Here's my friend Karoline Dinoff Angeles and her twins that were born 2 weeks ago yesterday, on May 31. Mosiah is on the left and Mary is on the right. The proud and tired mama is in the middle! Ha Ha! I think that it's safe to say that she didn't know what tired really was at this point. I was her lamaze coach, but they took them by C-section and only one person can go in there with her. Since her sister was here, of course, there's no question, she should have been there for the birth. Karoline's husband, who's in Mexico, was also able to attend, via web cam and laptop in the OR room.

Laura (her sister) and I took about 200 pictures or more, between the 2 of us that day, in various stages of dress or undress. Here they are sleeping peacefully, all swaddled up. We then took off their hats for another round of photos and then got them diaper naked for another round. Poor kids were probably traumatized even more than they already were, from all the flashes.

See, they were probably saying "ohhh, we are cold!!" Or Mary is saying, "Mom, he's touching me again!!" (Oh, Mosiah is still on the left and Mary is crying on the right. It might be that she is sticking herself with the end of her plastic hospital bracelet in the cheek.) Cute babies!!!

Geno's speech

Geno got chosen from his class, along with another student, to go to the finals of the 4th and 5th grade speech contest, at Rossmoor Elementary School. Here he is doing some last minute "cramming" before the program starts. His friends Sarah Jenson and Keith Ahlstrom, also made the contest. Don't tell me that all of those talks in Primary over the years hasn't prepared these LDS kids to be able to give these speeches and be comfortable in front of large audiences. Another reason to take your kids to Primary, as if we needed one more. :o)

Geno's teacher wanted them to memorize a part of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech and he wasn't too enthused about it until the teacher actually showed a video of him giving it. Geno was so inspired by it that he wanted to give his assigned speech like Martin Luther King. Geno's speech was also entitled "I Have a Dream ... that there will be no more bullying". He gave it in the same manner as Dr. King, actually using a vibrato in his voice and a southern accent. He brought down the house!! Not only was his delivery great, so was the speech that he wrote on the subject of bullying at school or in life.

Geno won third place for his efforts. WE all think that he really should have won it as the other 2 ahead of him weren't really any better than his. (We are not biased at all!!) Actually the superintendent of the district (one of the judges) went up to him and also told him that he thought that Geno should have won, but the other 2 judges didn't agree. He then said that he was a Dr. and had more schooling etc., and that he knows better than they do. Hmm, interesting. There's Keith and Sarah on stage with him. (Keith is on the far left in the blue shirt leaning forward and Sarah is next to him on the right.)

Here he is with his trophy. Doesn't he look spiffy with his nice suit, just like Dr. King.

Here are some proud parents!! Not too bad for a 9 year old with 10-12 year olds too. Way to go Geno!!! We are sure proud of you!! I'll see if I can get help to upload the video of the speech. This might be well beyond my intellectual capacity where computers are concerned. :o)